Faculty >                  Satyam Suwas

Satyam Suwas


Areas of Interest

Processing-texture relationship
Deformation and thermo-mechanical processing
Microstructure-mechanical property correlation
Additive Manufacturing


MN 201: Materials and Processes


+91 - 8022933245
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MSc (1991), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
MTech (1994), IIT Kanpur, India
PhD (1999), IIT Kanpur, India


As of 2020 (current projects)
1. Deformation behaviour and control of microstructure and texture in gamma based TiAI intermetallics for Gas Turbine Application
2. Development of an innovative process to fabricate ultra-fine grained bimetallic thin sheets for microforming application
3. High strength, wear and corrosion resistant steel for high speed rail and elastic clip
4. Microstructural characterization of Mechanically tested 304HCu SS, Alloy 617M and alloy 625
5. Understanding the micro-mechanisms of texture evolution and micro-mechanisms of texture evolution and microstructure formation during dynamic recrystallization of a boron added P91 steel


Journal: 277
Books: 3
Conference full papers: 18

Professional Experience

Editorial boards of several journals
Consultancy with Indian and Multi-national Industries
Office-bearer and member of various professional societies in India and abroad.

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