Want to solve a real healthcare problem?

Become a medical device entrepreneur!

Innovate in elderly care and Med-Tech

(Diagnostics, Monitoring and Rehabilitation)

Learn how to identify the right problem to solve, quickly create prototype, get clinical feedback, make business plan.


Videos of curated problems will be shared with the participants to understand problems in real-life situations and to define a unmet need.


Come up with a succinct problem statement and conceptualize multiple possible solution.


Build a working prototype using various electronic development kits, 3D design and printing facilities, mechanical hardware tools etc.


Finish the prototype, develop its business model and regulatory clearance pathway for an holistic solution to the unmet need in the final presentation.

Who should join?

Innovative Thinkers, Creative Designers, Hands-on Makers & Engineers
Doctors and other Healthcare Professionals

You may also qualify for incubation support at IISc or BETiC, IIT Bombay

Learn how to identify the right problem to solve, quickly create prototype, get clinical feedback, make business plan. Join for 4-days of intense workout to sow the seeds of your medical device company.

Eligibility: Working professionals – clinicians, engineers, biomedical scientist, as well as final year UG/PG students in any discipline are invited to apply. Proven capability for innovation is essential; prior exposure to medical field is desirable.

Fees: Rs. 2500, which covers access to all sessions, course material, basic kit, and working lunch. Only invited participants need to pay the fees.

Participants need to make their own travel arrangements. Limited accommodation is available near IISc on first-come-first serve basis. Partial fee waiver is available for deserving students.

  • Days
  • Teams
  • Participants
  • Mentors


Get the guidance from domain experts
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Manish Arora

Assistant Professor, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, IISc
Biomedical Devices, Co-Design, Collaboration and Open-Source
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Amaresh Chakrabarti

Professor and Chairman, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing
Design Synthesis and Creativity Eco-Design and Sustainability AI and Data Analytics Product Informatics Smart Manufacturing Biomedical Devices Sensors/Actuators
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B Ravi

Institute Chair Professor, and Head BETiC, IIT Bombay
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Professor Mechanical Engineering, Co-chair, Biosystems Science and Engineering, IISc
Biomechanics, Micromanipulation, and Protein design, Compliant Mechanisms, Design optimization, Topology optimization, Mechanisms and kinematics, MEMS
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Bikramjit Basu

Professor, Material Research Centre, IISc
Biomaterials for hard tissue replacement applications External field assisted cell-biomaterial interaction Spark Plasma Sintering of Nanoceramics and Nanoceramic composite
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A Maulishree

CEO, ICT Skills Development Society, Department of Information Technology and Biotechnology, Government. of Karnataka
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B Gurumurthy

Professor, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, IISc
CAD, Product Informatics, Computational Metrology, Computer Aided Prototyping
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Dibakar Sen

Professor, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, IISc
Computational Product Ergonomics Digital Human Modeling Mechanical Assembly of Structures and Systems 3D Articulated Product Sketching and Collaboration
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KVS Hari

Professor and Chairman, Department of ECE, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
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NS Dinesh

Professor, Department of Electronics Systems Engineering, IISc
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Phaneendra Yalavarthy

Chairman at Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
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Vijay Mishra

Chief Technology Officer at Centre for Nano Science and Engineering, IISc
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Bharadwaj Amruthur

Chairman, Robert Bosch Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, IISc & Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IISc
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TV Prabhakar

Principal Research Scientist, Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, IISc
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Principal Research Scientist, Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, IISc
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Dr R Nirmala

Medical Officer, IISc
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Kumaran Venkatesh

VICE PRESIDENT-Strategy and Operations at IESA, start-up mentor & advisor,Co-Chair IoTNexT
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Madhumita Agarwal

Co-founder & Director IPexcel Services Pvt. Ltd, Partner-DJuris & Associates, Innovation Consultant
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Gopal Krishna

Managing Director at Maxim India Integrated Circuits Pvt. Ltd.
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Nanjunda Pratap Palecanda

Futurist, Entrepreneur, Curious, Innoberator
Co-house lead and Curator, House of Genius

Founder, Innoberate

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Chandar Sundaram

Consultant IPTel, IISc and Mentor -Startups, Formerly with Microsoft

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Important Dates:

October 11-15, 2016 : Telephone / Skype Interviews

October 15, 2016 : Final Selection