2021 Batch

Abhishek Kar

Product Design, Design Engineering...

Adarsh Malpeddiwar

Product Design/Industrial Design, Communication Design , UI/UX...

Amit Kumar Sharma

Product Design, Mobility and Vehicle Design, UXD, AI and Machine Learning....

Chirag Sankhla

Product Design & UI/UX...

Deepak S K

Product Design...

Dhaniklal KC

Product Design, Mobility and Vehicle Design,UI/UX...

Himanshu V

Product Design, NProduct Design, UI/UX, Interaction Design...

Kaustubh Kadu

Product Design/Industrial Design, Communication Design...

Kavya Shaju

Product Design/Industrial Design, Interaction Design, UI/UX, Biomedical Devices...

Kodam Rohit Sai

Mobility and Vehicle Design, Product Design, UI/UX...

Neha N

Graphic Design, Product Design, UI/UX, Interaction Design and Communication Desi...

Sandip Biswas

Product / Design management, Product Design and development...

Shiva Ambati

Product design, Industrial design, UI & UX, Engineering Design, Graphic design...

Shruti Agrawal

Product Design, Interaction Design, Industrial Design...

Shubham Farate

Mobility and Vehicle Design, Product Design, UI/UX...

Siddhesh Pimple

Product Design/Industrial Design, UI/UX, Furniture Design, GUI...

Sunandan Paul

Product Design/Industrial Design, UI/UX, Communication Design...

Suraj Kesri

Product Design/Industrial Design...

Usri N Ganguly

Product Design, Communication Design, Branding and Visual Industrial Design...

Uttam Jodawat

Research Methodology, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Problem-Solving, New Pr...

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