Students > Second Year M.Des >   Nidhi Joshi

Nidhi Joshi

Areas of Interest

Biomimetic Design, Sustainability & Design, Product Design, Packaging Design, Design Thinking.
Travel, Writing, Music and Zero-waste living.

About me

Who am I?
A problem-solver - Always ready to take on a challenge, approach it multi-directionally, and solve it in unique ways.
A loophole finder - Obsessive about attention to detail, and assessing a system/ design critically to strengthen it.
A conscious being - I believe in living a life rooted in our responsibility towards this amazing planet.
A life-experience addict - Anything I haven't done before? Sign me up.

Why am I here?
I want to ideate solutions and effect positive change - contributing to the social, economic and environmental landscape of our country.



+91 - 9650776403



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