Students > Researchers  > Manish Kumar

Manish Kumar

Areas of Interest

* Sustainability Assessment in Manufacturing
* Life Cycle Impact Assessment
* Human Toxicity and Exposure Science
* Circular Economy
* Systems Thinking

About me

* I currently work at Sustainability and Design (SuDesi) Lab at the Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), developing a systems-based framework for Sustainability Assessment in Manufacturing. More Details



+91 - 9459046882

Publications / Projects

* Kumar, Manish, and Monto Mani. "A systems-based sustainability assessment framework to capture active impacts in product life cycle/manufacturing." Procedia Manufacturing 33 (2019): 647-654.
* Kumar M., Mani M. (2018): Integrating active impacts in sustainability assessment in product (manufacturing) life cycle, 6th International Conference on Social Life Cycle Assessment. p38, Pescara (Italy)
* Kumar M., Mani M. (2017) A Methodological Basis to Assess and Compare Manufacturing Processes for Design Decisions. In: Chakrabarti A., Chakrabarti D. (eds) Research into Design for Communities, Volume 2. ICoRD 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 66. Springer, Singapore.

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