11 January 2023

Problem-based Learning through Design: Workshop @ ICoRD'23


CPDM, IISc successfully conducted a PBL workshop at ICoRD'23, IISc on 11th January 2023 for participants of ICoRD'23 from across the globe. We had participation from deans, professors, students and industry professionals.

The objective of the workshop was to equip the particiapnt with a selection of theories, practical tools and realworld case examples to develop their pedagogical confidence, framed by problem-based learning approach.



8-10 November 2022

Dissemination Workshop @ CPDM, IISc


Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore organised a dissemination workshop on Problem Based Learning approach, under the auspices of ERASMUS+ project, 'Strengthening Problem-based Learning (PBL) in South Asian universities', on 9th and 10th November, 2022. The workshop also intended for the announcement of the PBL lab and PBL SA network. The worskhop has received participation from deans, lecturers and registrars from colleges affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) and received very encouraging feedback and keen interest to continue to be a part of the network.


17-19 October 2022

PBL MOOC and Entrepreneurship Workshop, TU Delft, Tthe Netherlands


TU Delft organized 'PBL South Asia Dissemination Event' from 17-19 October, 2022 in TU Delft, The Netherlands. The main objective of the workshop was to share and consolidate the learnings and deliverables in the project on PBL methods for global sustainability and entrepreneurship. The following Officials from IISc attended the workshop and joined MOOC video recording sessions.


15-17 August 2022

PBL South Asia Final Dissemination Event, Nepal


The Nepalese partners HEIs of “PBL South Asia” project in association with another partner HEIs from Europe and South Asia organized 'PBL South Asia Dissemination Event' on August 15, 2022 in Kathmandu. The event aimed to share the results, outcomes, impact and future plans of the partner HEIs regarding PBL education promotion in South Asia and bring all the stakeholders of Nepal's higher engineering education to a forum and highlight the need of integrating PBL pedagogy in our higher education curricula to address the burning issues of our higher education system. The following Officials from IISc attended the workshop. Mr Apoorv Bhatt from IISc participated in a panel discussion on PBL South Asia Network and future teacher trainings.


8-9 August 2022

PBL Methodology & PBL SA Dissemination Workshop, Bhutan


Officials from IISc attended PBL Methodology Workshop as part of ongoing 'PBL South Asia' organized by JNEC, RUB which was planned at Thimphu, Bhutan. IISc is one of the partner institutions for this ongoing PBL South Asia, project.

The officials from IISc engaged in facilitating the workshop and coordinating with JNEC, RUB in the overall management of the event. The teams also met with participants (mainly officials from RUB and its constituent colleges, others) and worked on possible PBL networks in the region for the benefit of regional institutions.

Programme Schedule of the Workshop IISc's presentation slides


1 April 2022

PBL South Asia Network- A Concept Note

IISc and IITB have jointly developed PBL South Asia Network, vision, prospective events and sustainability plan. The concept note was shared with the project partners.

PBL South Asia Network- A Concept Note


March-May 2022

New Mentor's Online Team

Aalto university, Finland, formed an online mentoring team to create the best mentoring practices to support PBL. IISc actively participated and contributed in the sessions

Summary notes of all meetings


19 November, 2021

Best Practice Review Report: Final Version

The final draft of the PBL Best Practice Review Report has been shared with Aalto.

Best Practice Review Report: Final Version


10 November, 2021

Training of Trainers (ToT) Manual on Facilitating PBL courses

IISc contributed in Chapter 1-Preparation of ToT manual. The sub-topics are as follows:

Chapter 1-Preparation of ToT manual


1 October, 2021

Practical Follow-up on how to improve the PBL MOOC Videos

Three researchers from CPDM, IISc reviewed all the modules of 1st draft of PBL MOOC course and provided their critical feedback.


April-August, 2021

Development of MOOC videos on Module 5, Ideation

Three videos for module-5, along with Learning Goals, Module Structure and assignments, were created by the IISc team. The videos were shared with all partners on the Google classroom platform. in addition, Mr. Apoorv Bhatt from CPDM, IISc reviewed all the modules of 1st draft of PBL MOOC course and provided their critical feedback on Google Classroom.


9 April, 2021

PBL MOOC Methodologies Workshop

During the COVID-19 crisis, the PBL MOOC production was a big challenge as multiple partners from various countries were involved in the creation of the MOOC. During the online MOOC Methodologies Workshop, Mr. Apoorv Bhatt from CPDM, IISc, gave a talk on how to record a MOOC video and presented a demonstration video.

How to record a MOOC video


7-10 January, 2021

8th International Conference on Research into Design, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, India

Along with the co-authors from partner institutes, IISc has written two international conference papers on PBL, which were published in the proceedings of ICoRD'21. Both papers were presented by the team of IISc at the ICoRD'21 conference. One of the papers received distinguished paper awards as well.


3 November, 2020

2nd Concept note on Ideation module for MOOC

Learning goals, outcomes, terminologies, and methods to be taught were presented by Dr Shakuntala Acharya and Mr Apoorv Bhatt to all partners who were involved in cluster 2 of MOOC creation. Also, the selection of appropriate examples was discussed.

2nd Concept note of Module 5, MOOC


25 September, 2020

1st Concept note on Ideation module for MOOC

The 1st concept note of module 5 was jointly presented by Dr. Shakuntala Acharya and Mr Apoorv Bhatt during the internal cluster meeting. The content to be added in the module was discussed with the project colleagues.

1st Concept note of Module 5, MOOC


9 July, 2020

PBL Lab at IISc

The plan (drawing) of the PBL Lab at IISc with equipment utilisation marked was proposed. This lab is a major contribution towards the goal of regional capacity building and aims to impart training and mentorship for PBL in South Asia.

PBL Lab Plan


1 April, 2020

Best Practice Review Report: 1st Draft

The first draft of the PBL Best Practice Review Report has been shared with the project partners for review and inputs.

Best Practice Review Report: 1st Draft


December, 2019

PBL dissemination event and launch of regional network, Nepal

During the dissemination event, Prof. Amaresh Chakrabarti and Dr. Shakuntala Acharya gave presentation on PBL methodologies.


14-18 October, 2019

Curricula Design Workshop, IISc, Bangalore


The faculty of partner institutions received training from IISc researchers and professors on how to create PBL courses using the Design Thinking Methodology.

Strengthening problem-based learning in South Asian Universities


August, 2019

Pilot Training Workshop, IIT Bombay

PBL South Asia organized a pilot training workshop in Mumbai where the following members from IISc participated and contributed to actual PBL cases, along with faculty members and teachers from Nepalese and Bhutanese institutions.

They worked intensively in randomly mixed multidisciplinary teams, where other members included students from Finland, the Netherlands, and Lithuania. The work done by team where IISc members were involved can be found here

During the IIT Bombay workshop, IISc developed the workbook to guide students and participants in PBL case studies.

Casestudy Design Workbook