PBL Lab @ Ideaslab, CPDM, IISc

The PBL lab is a major contribution towards the goal of regional capacity building and aims to impart training and mentorship for PBL in South Asia.

PBL Lab Image

PBL South Asia Network

India is positioned uniquely in the South Asian context with respect to leadership in higher education, and so, the consortium collectively agreed that it would be ideal for the Indian HEIs to take on the lead role of developing a PBL network of practitioners and enthusiasts across the region.

PBL SA Network

The intent of 'PBL South Asia Network' is to connect, create opportunities of collaboration and hand hold the national and regional institutes towards fruitful application and dissemination of Problem-based Learning. The primary activities shall comprise of;

  1. An Online, Regional Networking Forum, where the members and partners can connect and collaborate, as well as share learning-teaching experiences and receive updates on the latest training and research events.
  2. Training Workshops (ToT, Course/ curriculum development and Mentorship) organised at or demonstrated from, in case of hybrid mode, the PBL Lab at IISc, Bangalore, with 2 workshops annually.
  3. Research Workshops, primarily for dissemination and on-boarding of partners and members at internationally reputed events, such as, conferences and symposium, and create recognition for the project.

Past events

2019 October: Design thinking workshop to redefine educational approaches- CPDM, IISc

Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) hosted the PBL South Asia Curricula Design Workshop from 14th to 18th October, 2019. Representatives from the ten partner HEIs (higher education institutions) - Aalto University, Finland; TU Delft, Netherlands; KTU, Lithuania; IISc and IITB, India; JNEC, Bhutan and AITM, NEC, SEC and KU, Nepal - participated in the Erasmus+ funded project, Strengthening Problem-based Learning in South Asia (PBL-SA).

PBL SA Network

The workshop was conceptualized under preparation, led by IISc and supported by IITB, for the implementation of PBL in curricula across South Asia. Its main objectives was to apply 'design thinking' strategies to collaboratively design the curricula suitable for each of the beneficiary HEIs, across disciplines, in Nepal and Bhutan. The European and Indian institutions presented on their know-how in the area of PBL, and faculty and research associates mentored sessions to co-create courses. The long-term aim is to build a strong network of PBL practitioners and collate best practices across partner institutions, to improve the implementation and dissemination of PBL in the South-Asian context.

List of Publications

Acharya, S., Bhatt, A.N., Chakrabarti, A., Delhi, V.S., Diehl, J.C., Andel, E.V., Jurelionis, A., Stasiuliene, L., Jussilainen Costa, L.D. and Subra, R., 2021. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education: Design Thinking to Redesign Courses. In Design for Tomorrow-Volume 2 (pp. 349-360). Springer, Singapore.

Acharya, S., Bhatt, A.N., Chakrabarti, A., Delhi, V.S., Diehl, J.C., Mota, N., Jurelionis, A. and Subra, R., 2021. Design Thinking as a strategy to inculcate Problem-based Learning (PBL) in undergraduate education across South Asian Universities. In Design for Tomorrow-Volume 2 (pp. 547-559). Springer, Singapore.

PBL Best Practices Review Report

In line with the goals defined by the Erasmus+ PBL South Asia project, this document titled, 'Best practices review & conceptualisation of a PBL schema', for under graduate technical education in South Asian universities, is a report on the vision of the project to imbibe sustainable development through capacity-building in higher education and a reflection on the preparation (Work Package 1), towards strengthening problem-based learning in South Asian universities.


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