Thematic Collection on Smart Designing of Smart Systems
AIEDAM Special Issue, Volume 34, Number 4, Fall 2020
Guest Editors: Yong Zeng, Imre Horváth, Ying Liu, Joshua D. Summers
Functions and affordances have long been thought of as two core important concepts in design. Recent system science, artificial intelligence and CAD/E technologies are making it possible to design smart systems. Their cognitive capabilities make possible for them to proactively interact with the objects and processes of the environment, and even (self-) manage their objectives, architecture, operations and servicing according to the changing conditions. In addition to natural and produced objects and the established processes, the environment typically includes human stakeholders. These together form the contexts in which a system is situated. It is an essential (paradigmatic) feature of smart systems that they build awareness, learn and reason in contexts, make decisions, and purposefully adapt themselves. In the process of adaptation, they not only alter and utilize their functionality, but may also decide on utilizing affordances depending on the situation. What it implies is that functionalities and affordances of smart systems cannot be described exhaustively in the design phase. On the other hand, smart systems are supposed to be equipped with proper knowledge acquisition and reasoning mechanisms, and to possess and manage available and at run-time obtained resources. Several methodologies have been proposed to support designing smart systems. One widely-used representative is the V-model, and its many variants. The kernel concepts of this methodology are model-based design and component-based implementation. While it proved to be efficient for composable (software-integrated) systems, it was found restricted in the case of designing compositional (knowledge-integrated) smart systems, such as self-adaptive cyber-physical systems. Their cognitive engineering is not supported sufficiently by the conventional frameworks, methodologies, and tools. Alongside, the conceptual frameworks of product design methodologies have also evolved from product-centered approaches, through function and affordance-centered approaches, to user-centered and environment-centered approaches. Different kinds of knowledge constructs and reasoning strategies are associated with the different design methodologies and with the product and service design methods. The innovation of design methodologies has always been going hand by hand with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies since their advent in the 1960’s. Thus, smart designing of smart systems is a natural outcome of the recent development of system science, cyber-physical technologies, and relevant AI technologies, such as machine learning and deep learning. This proposed AIEDAM special issue, entitled Smart Designing of Smart Systems, will focus on knowledge discovery, system architecting, situated reasoning, and resource management enabled adaptation mechanisms for smart designing of smart systems. The Special Issue encourages releasing innovative findings related to data collection, modeling, analytics, and applications for public debate, together with the abovementioned aspects of designing compositional smart systems.
Topics will cover but are not limited to:
- Experimental design for effective and efficient data collection to improve the research and practices related to smart systems and smart designing;
- Data analytics, data mining, and data reuse in smart design and smart systems;
- Methodologies, frameworks, algorithms, and mechanisms for smart systems design;
- Approaches for designing for self-tuning, self-adaptation, and self-evolution at run-time,
- Issues of combining functionality oriented designing with affordance oriented designing of smart systems,
- Computational support of passing run-time design tasks to self-managing smart systems
- Study of designer and user behaviours based on experimental data in the context of smart systems;
- Co-creation, system smartness, ecosystems, and pervasive sensor-based design, and embedded technologies in design.
Instruction for submissions
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by at least three reviewers. The selection for publication would be made on the basis of these reviews.
Information about the format and style required for AIEDAM papers, as well as about submission, can be found at:
Note that all queries and information about submissions for special issues should be addressed to the Guest Editors, and not to the Editor in Chief. Please submit your paper through the ScholarOne system online at: You need to create a user account first if you are a new user. During your submission process, pay attention to the following two steps:
- Step 1 (Type, title & abstract), "Thematic Collection"
- If Yes, select "Smart Designing of Smart Systems" for "Thematic Collection Name",
- Else select “NA”
The following acronym will be used to refer to the special issue: SDSS
Important dates:
Submission extended abstracts: | 15th March 2020 |
Notification on relevance: | 30th March 2020 |
Submission deadline for full papers: | 30th May 2020 |
First reviews due: | 30th June 2020 |
Notification & reviews due to authors: | 15th July 2020 |
Revised submission due: | 15th August 2020 |
Second round of reviews due: | 30th September 2020 |
Final version due: | 30th October 2020 |
Issue Appears: | December 2020 |
Guest editors:
Prof. Yong Zeng | Prof. Imre Horváth | Prof. Ying Liu | Prof. Joshua D. Summers |
Concordia University, Canada | TU Delft, Netherlands | Cardiff University,UK | Clemson University,USA | | | | |