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AIEDAM - ZAPSupport-Tutorials - AdvancedScripting

Tutorials Support > Tutorials > AdvancedScripting

In learning to use ZAP forms, it may be helpful to think of ZAP as a mini-scripting langage, with form input fields as command lines. That is, when a form is submitted, each form field is processed one at a time, in order, executing whatever action is determined by that particular feature.

For example, suppose you had one input form with five input fields and you want to save different parts of that data on two different pages. You could put something like the following in your form.

... rest of form ...
(:zap datapage_1="Group.Page1":)
(:zap savedata_1="Field1,Field2,Field3":)
(:zap datapage_2="Group.Page2":)
(:zap savedata_2="Field4,Field5":)
... rest of form ...

This form sets where the data is saved just before each savedata command. You can do the same thing with some of the other ZAP commands as well indicated by a wildcard "*" in the documentation. The wildcard means the action can be triggered more than once by simply changing the name: ie, datapage_1, datapage_2, etc.

Using this approach you can have forms that do many different things, multiple times in various orders, with the results of one action determining the course of future actions, etc. This gives ZAP a tremendous amount of flexibility and power.

Important Note: ZAP may not always process your form in the order you expect, however. Until you understand ZAP's processing order, you can sometimes get puzzling results! See the Processing Order tutorial for more details: